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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » CExtResizableDialog and CExtToolControlBar Collapse All
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Simon DESEE Sep 26, 2005 - 2:57 AM

Dear sir,

I need to insert a CExtToolControlBar on a CExtResizableDialog without menu.

I use the ProfStudio sample (CProfStudioClassView) code to insert my CExtToolControlBar. But no command handlers work. No buttons are enabled.

Can you help me to know where the problem come from ?


Technical Support Sep 26, 2005 - 9:48 AM

As you know, each menu/toolbar item (which is a user-interface object) needs to know whether it is enabled or disabled to display itself properly. If the framework does not find an ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI entry during command routing, it automatically enables the user-interface object if there is an ON_COMMAND entry somewhere for the same command ID. Otherwise, it disables the user-interface object. So to ensure your button is enabled, provide an update or command handler for the command ID. If it does not help, please send us some test project so that we can find out what’s wrong.