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Ian McIntosh
Jan 30, 2008 - 2:49 AM
I have a class derived from CExtPropertyGridWndCategorized as I want to add sub categories only when the user presses expand for the first time. My code seems to work, but I get an assert.
I get an assert in: CExtTreeGridWnd::ItemEnsureVisibleBranch() when it calls EnsureVisibleRow( nRowOffset, bRedraw ); with nRowOffset = -1.
I seem to be able to fix the assert by changing: if( nRowOffset < rcVisibleRange.top ) { EnsureVisibleRow( nRowOffset, bRedraw ); return; }
to: if( nRowOffset < rcVisibleRange.top ) { if (nRowOffset!=(-1)) EnsureVisibleRow( nRowOffset, bRedraw ); return; }
but as I’m not sure what this code is doing I’m not sure if it will have any side effects. I can achieve this by overriding CExtTreeGridWnd::ItemEnsureVisibleBranch(), but is this the right thing to do?
My Grid Wnd is derived from CExtPropertyGridWndCategorized as follows:
class CExtPropertyGridWndCategorizedArc : public CExtPropertyGridWndCategorized { public: CExtPropertyGridWndCategorizedArc(CExtPropertyGridCtrl* pPropertyGridCtrl = NULL) : CExtPropertyGridWndCategorized(pPropertyGridCtrl) {} virtual void ItemExpand(HTREEITEM hTreeItem, INT nActionTVE = TVE_TOGGLE, bool bRedraw = true); std::vector<HTREEITEM> m_vExpandedOnce; };
void CArchivePropertyCtrl::CExtPropertyGridWndCategorizedArc::ItemExpand(HTREEITEM hTreeItem, INT nActionTVE, bool bRedraw) { CWaitCursor wc; CExtPropertyItem* pItem = PropertyItemFromTreeItem(hTreeItem); ASSERT(pItem); bool bUpdated = false; bool bExpanding = !pItem->ExpandedGet(); if ( bExpanding ) { bool bFoundCategory=false; int iCount = pItem->ItemGetCount(); for (int i=0; i<pItem->ItemGetCount(); i++) { CExtPropertyItem* pChild = pItem->ItemGetAt(i); if (pChild->ItemGetCount()>0) { bFoundCategory = true; break; } } if (!bFoundCategory) { bUpdated = dynamic_cast<CArchivePropertyCtrl*>(m_pPropertyGridCtrl)->ExpandSubKey(*pItem, "", 1); } } if ( bUpdated ) dynamic_cast<CArchivePropertyCtrl*>(m_pPropertyGridCtrl)->PropertyStoreSynchronize(); __super::ItemExpand(hTreeItem, nActionTVE, bRedraw); }
this is the assert call stack: > ProfUIS281md.dll!CExtGridBaseWnd::EnsureVisibleRow(long nRowNo=-1, bool bRedraw=true) Line 6017 + 0x17 bytes C++ ProfUIS281md.dll!CExtTreeGridWnd::ItemEnsureVisibleBranch(_TREEITEM * hTreeItem=0x06f890a8, bool bRedraw=true) Line 3649 + 0x1a bytes C++ ProfUIS281md.dll!CExtTreeGridWnd::ItemExpand(_TREEITEM * hTreeItem=0x06f890a8, int nActionTVE=2, bool bRedraw=true) Line 3624 + 0x1a bytes C++ ProfUIS281md.dll!CExtPropertyGridWnd::ItemExpand(_TREEITEM * hTreeItem=0x06f890a8, int nActionTVE=2, bool bRedraw=true) Line 7320 C++ GuiMdi.exe!CArchivePropertyCtrl::CExtPropertyGridWndCategorizedArc::ItemExpand(_TREEITEM * hTreeItem=0x06f890a8, int nActionTVE=2, bool bRedraw=true) Line 750 + 0x17 bytes C++ ProfUIS281md.dll!CExtPropertyItem::OnGridRowInitialized(CExtPropertyGridWnd & wndPG={...}, _TREEITEM * hTreeItem=0x06f890a8, CExtGridCell * pCellCaption=0x06fafea8, CExtGridCell * pCellValue=0x06fafef8) Line 838 + 0x1a bytes C++ ProfUIS281md.dll!CExtPropertyGridWnd::PropertyItemInsert(CExtPropertyItem * pPropertyItem=0x06fa7110, long nIndex=9, _TREEITEM * htiParent=0x06f88c70, bool bRedraw=false) Line 6741 + 0x22 bytes C++ ProfUIS281md.dll!CExtPropertyGridWnd::PropertyItemInsertAlphabetic(CExtPropertyItem * pPropertyItem=0x06fa7110, _TREEITEM * htiParent=0x06f88c70, bool bRedraw=false) Line 6788 + 0x22 bytes C++ ProfUIS281md.dll!CExtPropertyGridWnd::PropertyStoreSynchronizeOneLevel(CExtPropertyItem * pPropertyItem=0x06fa7110, CExtPropertyItem * pParentItem=0x0470c280) Line 6571 + 0x1c bytes C++ ProfUIS281md.dll!CExtPropertyGridWnd::PropertyStoreSynchronizeOneLevel(CExtPropertyItem * pPropertyItem=0x0470c280, CExtPropertyItem * pParentItem=0x0470ccc0) Line 6629 + 0x1a bytes C++ ProfUIS281md.dll!CExtPropertyGridWnd::PropertyStoreSynchronizeOneLevel(CExtPropertyItem * pPropertyItem=0x0470ccc0, CExtPropertyItem * pParentItem=0x045fe758) Line 6629 + 0x1a bytes C++ ProfUIS281md.dll!CExtPropertyGridWnd::PropertyStoreSynchronizeOneLevel(CExtPropertyItem * pPropertyItem=0x045fe758, CExtPropertyItem * pParentItem=0x00000000) Line 6629 + 0x1a bytes C++ ProfUIS281md.dll!CExtPropertyGridWnd::PropertyStoreSynchronizeAll() Line 6501 + 0x18 bytes C++ ProfUIS281md.dll!CExtPropertyGridCtrl::PropertyStoreSynchronize() Line 9417 + 0x12 bytes C++ ProfUIS281md.dll!CExtPropertyGridCtrl::PropertyStoreSet(CExtPropertyStore * pPS=0x045fe758) Line 9444 + 0x12 bytes C++ ProfUIS281md.dll!CExtPropertyGridComboBoxBar::_SynchronizeCurSel() Line 7759 + 0x16 bytes C++ ProfUIS281md.dll!CExtPropertyGridComboBoxBar::PropertyStoreInsert(CExtPropertyStore * pPropertyStore=0x045fe758, int nPos=0) Line 7684 + 0x12 bytes C++ GuiMdi.exe!CArchivePropertyCtrl::ShowArchive(const CArchivePropertyCtrl::PropertiesInfo & pi={...}) Line 230 + 0x18 bytes C++
Technical Support
Feb 9, 2008 - 1:24 AM
Yes, and we can provide you with the latest stable version 2.83. You can download it from our ftp server. Send us a request for details by email.
Ian McIntosh
Feb 7, 2008 - 5:05 AM
Will this change be incorporated in future versions of prof-uis?
Technical Support
Jan 31, 2008 - 4:20 AM
The following version is more correct because nRowOffset is a zero based row index in the grid: if( nRowOffset < rcVisibleRange.top )
if( nRowOffset >= 0 )
EnsureVisibleRow( nRowOffset, bRedraw );