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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » CExtGridCellIPAddress Collapse All
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Lars Mohr Oct 25, 2010 - 3:55 AM

Dear Support Team,

the bug with the 3 digits is still exist (2.90). Link: You can produce the bug with the ProfUIS_Controls sample. Just reduce the column size and then try to type a 3 digits number.

Best Regrads,


Technical Support Oct 26, 2010 - 11:56 AM

Thank you for reporting this issue. Please update the source code for the following method:

 LRESULT CALLBACK CExtGridInplaceEditIPAddress::g_HookWndProc(
            HWND hWnd,
            UINT nMessage,
            WPARAM wParam,
            LPARAM lParam
            if( g_pHookTarget != NULL && g_pHookTarget->GetSafeHwnd() != NULL )
                        if( nMessage == WM_GETDLGCODE )
                                    return DLGC_WANTALLKEYS|DLGC_WANTCHARS|DLGC_WANTTAB;
                        if( g_pHookTarget->m_hWnd != NULL && ::IsWindow(g_pHookTarget->m_hWnd) )
                                    if( nMessage == WM_KILLFOCUS )
                                                if(                     g_pHookTarget->m_hWnd != (HWND)wParam
                                                            &&        (!::IsChild( g_pHookTarget->m_hWnd, (HWND)wParam )) 
                                                            g_pHookTarget->_DoEndEdit( true, 0 );
                                                            return 0L;
                                    } // if( nMessage == WM_KILLFOCUS )
                                    if( WM_KEYFIRST <= nMessage && nMessage <= WM_KEYLAST && _T(’0’) <= wParam && wParam <= _T(’9’) )
                                                for( INT nIndexWnd = 0; nIndexWnd < 4; nIndexWnd++ )
                                                            HWND hWndHooked = g_pHookTarget->m_hWndHooked[ nIndexWnd ];
                                                            WNDPROC pWNDPROC  = g_pHookTarget->m_pWNDPROC[ nIndexWnd ];
                                                            if( hWndHooked != NULL && ::IsWindow(hWndHooked) && hWndHooked == hWnd )
                                                                        __EXT_DEBUG_GRID_ASSERT( pWNDPROC != NULL );
                                                                        if( nMessage == WM_KEYDOWN )
                                                                                    TCHAR strCurrentText[ 5 ];
                                                                                    ::memset( strCurrentText, 0, sizeof(strCurrentText) );
                                                                                    ::GetWindowText( hWnd, strCurrentText, 4 );
                                                                                    INT nTextLength = INT(_tcslen(strCurrentText));
                                                                                    if( 0 < nTextLength && nTextLength <= 3 )
                                                                                                LONG nSelFrom = 0, nSelTo = 0;
                                                                                                ::SendMessage( hWnd, EM_GETSEL, WPARAM(&nSelFrom), LPARAM(&nSelTo) );
                                                                                                if( nSelFrom < 0 )
                                                                                                            nSelFrom = nTextLength;
                                                                                                nSelFrom = min( nSelFrom, nTextLength );
                                                                                                if( nSelTo < 0 )
                                                                                                            nSelTo = nTextLength;
                                                                                                nSelTo = min( nSelTo, nTextLength );
                                                                                                LONG nFrom = min( nSelFrom, nSelTo ), nTo = max( nSelFrom, nSelTo );
                                                                                                __EXT_DEBUG_GRID_ASSERT( nFrom <= nTo );
                                                                                                TCHAR str[1] = { TCHAR(0) };
                                                                                                ::SendMessage( hWnd, EM_REPLACESEL, 0L, LPARAM(str) );
                                                                                                ::SendMessage( hWnd, EM_SETSEL, nFrom, nFrom );
                                                                                                return 0L;
                                                                                    } // if( 0 < nTextLength && nTextLength <= 3 )
                                                                        } // if( nMessage == WM_KEYDOWN )
                                                                        else if( nMessage == WM_CHAR )
                                                                                    TCHAR strCurrentText[ 5 ], strNewWindowText[ 7 ];
                                                                                    ::memset( strCurrentText, 0, sizeof(strCurrentText) );
                                                                                    ::memset( strNewWindowText, 0, sizeof(strNewWindowText) );
                                                                                    ::GetWindowText( hWnd, strCurrentText, 4 );
                                                                                    INT nTextLength = INT(_tcslen(strCurrentText));
                                                                                    if( nTextLength >= 3 )
                                                                                                return 0L;
                                                                                    LONG nNewSelPos = -1L;
                                                                                    if( nTextLength > 0 )
                                                                                                LONG nSelFrom = 0, nSelTo = 0;
                                                                                                ::SendMessage( hWnd, EM_GETSEL, WPARAM(&nSelFrom), LPARAM(&nSelTo) );
                                                                                                if( nSelFrom < 0 )
                                                                                                            nSelFrom = nTextLength;
                                                                                                nSelFrom = min( nSelFrom, nTextLength );
                                                                                                if( nSelTo < 0 )
                                                                                                            nSelTo = nTextLength;
                                                                                                nSelTo = min( nSelTo, nTextLength );
                                                                                                LONG nFrom = min( nSelFrom, nSelTo ), nTo = max( nSelFrom, nSelTo );
                                                                                                __EXT_DEBUG_GRID_ASSERT( nFrom <= nTo );
                                                                                                INT nSavedIndex = 0, nCharIndex = 0;
                                                                                                for( ; nCharIndex < nFrom && nSavedIndex < 4; nCharIndex ++, nSavedIndex ++ )
                                                                                                            strNewWindowText[ nSavedIndex ] = strCurrentText[ nCharIndex ];
                                                                                                strNewWindowText[ nSavedIndex ++ ] = TCHAR(wParam);
                                                                                                nNewSelPos = nSavedIndex;
                                                                                                for( nCharIndex = nTo; nCharIndex < nTextLength && nSavedIndex < 4; nCharIndex ++, nSavedIndex ++ )
                                                                                                            strNewWindowText[ nSavedIndex ] = strCurrentText[ nCharIndex ];
                                                                                    } // if( nTextLength > 0 )
                                                                                                strNewWindowText[0] = TCHAR(wParam);
                                                                                    INT nFieldValue = INT( _ttol(strNewWindowText) );
                                                                                    if( ! ( 0 <= nFieldValue && nFieldValue <= 255 ) )
                                                                                                nNewSelPos = -1L;
                                                                                                nFieldValue = max( nFieldValue, 0 );
                                                                                                nFieldValue = min( nFieldValue, 255 );
                                                                                                __EXT_MFC_SPRINTF( __EXT_MFC_SPRINTF_PARAM( strNewWindowText, 3 ), _T("%d"), nFieldValue );
                                                                                    if( nNewSelPos < 0L )
                                                                                                nNewSelPos = LONG( _tcslen(strNewWindowText) );
                                                                                    ::SetWindowText( hWnd, strNewWindowText );
                                                                                    ::SendMessage( hWnd, EM_SETSEL, nNewSelPos, nNewSelPos );
                                                                                    return 0L;
                                                                        } // else if( nMessage == WM_CHAR )
                                                                        return ::CallWindowProc( pWNDPROC, hWnd, nMessage, wParam, lParam );
                                                            } // if( hWndHooked != NULL && ::IsWindow(hWndHooked) && hWndHooked == hWnd )
                                                } // for( INT nIndexWnd = 0; nIndexWnd < 4; nIndexWnd++ )
                                                return 0L;
                                    } // if( WM_KEYFIRST <= nMessage && nMessage <= WM_KEYLAST && _T(’0’) <= wParam && wParam <= _T(’9’) )
                                    if( nMessage == WM_KEYDOWN )
                                                ::SendMessage( g_pHookTarget->m_hWnd, nMessage, wParam, lParam );
                        } // if( g_pHookTarget->m_hWnd != NULL && ::IsWindow(g_pHookTarget->m_hWnd) )
                        for( INT nIndexWnd = 0; nIndexWnd < 4; nIndexWnd++ )
                                    HWND hWndHooked = g_pHookTarget->m_hWndHooked[ nIndexWnd ];
                                    WNDPROC pWNDPROC  = g_pHookTarget->m_pWNDPROC[ nIndexWnd ];
                                    if( hWndHooked != NULL && ::IsWindow(hWndHooked) && hWndHooked == hWnd )
                                                __EXT_DEBUG_GRID_ASSERT( pWNDPROC != NULL );
                                                return ::CallWindowProc( pWNDPROC, hWnd, nMessage, wParam, lParam );
                                    } // if( hWndHooked != NULL && ::IsWindow(hWndHooked) && hWndHooked == hWnd )
                        } // for( INT nIndexWnd = 0; nIndexWnd < 4; nIndexWnd++ )
            } // if( g_pHookTarget != NULL && g_pHookTarget->GetSafeHwnd() != NULL )
            return 0L;