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Alastair Watts
Jan 28, 2011 - 7:15 AM
I’ve a dialog with about 25 combo boxes on it. When using CComboBox everything is fine. Replacing them with CExtComboBox causes OnCmdMsg() to be called a lot which inturn slows the display & operation of the dialog considerably. Any suggestions:
Technical Support
Jan 31, 2011 - 11:19 AM
The problem is not with the CExtComboBox class. It’s just a repainted CComboBox version. The command updating code in your test app is extremely heavy. It should not be based on re-asking 30 combo boxes about selection. You should keep some enabled state flag in your dialog class and use it instead of CComboBoxTestDlg::DoCheck() method. This flag should be updated via handling the CBN_SELENDOK notification from combo boxes.
Alastair Watts
Jan 31, 2011 - 6:33 AM
A test project has been sent.
Technical Support
Jan 28, 2011 - 1:11 PM
We tried to test the behavior of CExtComboBox control using the following simplest possible test project:
But we saw only expected number of CBN_*** command notification sent by Windows Common controls rather than by by Prof-UIS. This sample app demonstrates the equal behavior of subclassed and unsubclassed combo box common controls. Could you reproduce the problem using this test project? You can comment/uncomment the SetAutoSubclassChildControls(); line of code to switch between CExtComboBox and unsubclassed combo box windows.