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Stephan Finkler
Jun 12, 2007 - 6:38 AM
If I disable ( CExtButton::EnbableWindow(FALSE) a CExtButton in CExtPaintManagerOffice2007_RX theme it takes a while until the button is shown as disabled. Same behaviour in ProfUIS_Controls sample ( s.CPageButtons::OnCmdMsg IDC_CHECK_BUTTON_ENABLE: )
I think it has to do with the AnimationClient_StatePaint( dc ) in CExtButton::_DrawImpl() Is there a redraw missing?
Regards Michael
Technical Support
Jun 12, 2007 - 12:18 PM
Thank you for reporting this issue. To fix it, please update the source code of the following method: void CExtButton::OnEnable(BOOL bEnable)
AnimationSite_ClientProgressStop( this );
CClientDC dc( this );
_DrawImpl( dc );