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Rado Manzela
May 18, 2014 - 10:13 AM
After loading string block you don’t check for size of the block so when string with desired ID is missing at end of the block, you return empty string and success. So when asking for string missing in desired language, it does not check for default neutral language. You can check _AtlGetStringResourceImage() in atlcore.h how it should be implemented.
Art Wilkes
May 28, 2014 - 11:06 AM
If the following process is implemented.
Prof-uis resource manager has support for that:
virtual bool LoadStringEx( CExtSafeString & strOut, UINT nResourceName, WORD nLangIdDesired, WORD nLangIdNeutral = CExtResourceManager::g_nLangIdNeutral, WORD * p_wLangIdOut = NULL, HINSTANCE * p_hInstOut = NULL );
If the string resource is not found in nLangIdDesired resource then the manager search in nLangIdNeutral also customizable. You must enable m_bAllowCustomLang with AllowCustomLang method of Resource manager.
Art Wilkes
May 28, 2014 - 8:58 AM
Rado We are reviewing this and will try to add this in our next release. Thanks