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Peter Rohleder
Jun 28, 2017 - 4:20 AM
We have to show or hide resizable controlbars (class CExtControlBar) at runtime.
There are shown two controlbars in a column with a specific height.
Then both controlbars are closed (hide). If they are later shown again in a specific order,
their height is very different from before. The same happens with two controlbars in a row.
The bug exists in V3.4.0.2 (and older).
You can see this also in your compiled sample Prof-Studio_su.exe:
- Arrange the controlbars "Solution Explorer" and "Class View" above each other
in one column at the left side.
- Then close first "solution explorer" and then "Class View" with the closing cross button
in the title line.
- Then show first "solution explorer" and then "Class View" again with the menu "View".
(the sequence is important, in the other order the function is correct)
-> their height is now very different from before.
TSELLC Support
Sep 1, 2017 - 9:22 AM
This will be reviewed on next version.