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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » border color and width of a cell Collapse All
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Francesco Toscano Oct 24, 2007 - 9:50 AM

Is it possible to set the border color and the width border, of a cell in a grid? If it possible , can you explain how?

Then, I have started a Thread on 19th of october "Joining cell inside a column question"...but with no answer from you....It is just a remainder!!


Technical Support Oct 29, 2007 - 1:16 PM

It is possible to reserve some space around cells and paint this space using some color. Normally you see grid cells placed near each other, but it’s possible to reserve some extra space above/below each/some of rows and some extra space at left/right of each/some of columns. You can invoke the CExtGridCell::ExtraSpaceSet() method for the header cell to specify desired extra space in pixels before/after corresponding column/row. The CExtGridBaseWnd::OnGbwPaintExtraSpaceH() and CExtGridBaseWnd::OnGbwPaintExtraSpaceV() virtual methods can be used for filling this extra space around grid cells with some color. The extra space support is important built in feature of the CExtGridWnd class and based on it classes. Most of methods related to any actions dependent on cell location have two rectangles in parameters specifying cell location including/excluding its extra spaces around it:

            const RECT & rcCellExtra,
            const RECT & rcCell,
For instance, the CExtReportGridWnd class uses extra space at the bottom of the data rows for implementation of the row preview feature.

Luis Antunes Oct 25, 2007 - 8:02 AM

I also have both problems. Is it possible at all, to do this?
