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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » Bold Font in GridCells Collapse All
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David Skok Feb 23, 2007 - 2:42 PM

FontWeightSet( FW_BOLD ) works for CExtGridCellString but not CExtGridCellStringDM. Is this a bug?

Technical Support Feb 24, 2007 - 12:23 PM

The CExtGridCell class is the base class for all grid cells and contains all the APIs required for customizing cell appearance, but most of them are not implemented in it. The CExtGridCellStringDM class is a text cell class which uses internal memory manager of the grid’s data provided for keeping cell text instead of CString-like property member. This is the main and single feature of the CExtGridCellStringDM class which is really should be used in grid windows which contain a very large number of text cells. It is based on the CExtGridCell class.
The CExtGridCellString class is a simple CString-based text class. It is based on the CExtGridCellEx class.

Most of the grid cell APIs are implemented in the CExtGridCellEx class which is the base class for most of other cell classes and that is why font modification works for the CExtGridCellString class.