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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » additional title bar when using ribbon bar Collapse All
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Chris Anderson Jan 10, 2008 - 2:19 PM


We recently migrated our app from v271 to v282, and saw a problem related to ribbon bar : the main window displays an additional blank title bar at the top, which didn’t happen in v271.

I looked at the ribbon bar sample with spy++, the ribbon bar in v282 is 30 pixels taller than its v271 counterpart, and it’s pushed beyond the frame window ( i.e., if you maximize the ribbon bar sample, the left-top corner of ribbon bar is (0, -26) ). Obviously the reason that an additional title bar shows up in our main window is that ribbon bar is not positioned correctly.

Our frame window class is derived from CExtNCW<CFrameWnd>, but it subclassed an existing window, and we did msg filering. Could you provide any clue , like msg , property that need attention?

Technical Support Jan 11, 2008 - 8:26 AM

The ribbon bar’s integration with the window non-client area was completely re-coded in Prof-UIS 2.71 and the integrated caption became part of the ribbon bar window. This was essential for integration with Windows Vista’s window captions based on DWM. The only one thing we would like to ask you to check first of all: please compare the CMainFrame::ActivateFrame() method in our RibbonBar sample project with the same method in your project. Your method should be similar to ours.

Chris Anderson Jan 10, 2008 - 6:57 PM

This additional title bar only happens with office 2007 theme. other theme work fine