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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » About the drawing of the non-client area Collapse All
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tera tera Feb 13, 2009 - 11:05 PM


I want to do the following drawing by Vista.

Because I am troubled, please teach it

Give my best regards

Technical Support Feb 16, 2009 - 12:12 PM

You should handle a WM_NCPAINT message. Painting on the non-client area in Windows Vista is same as in Windows XP. The difference is that Vista prepares a glass background and you are painting some content over it when in XP you yourself should draw a background. By default, painting over glass like window non-client area is disabled for all the windows running on Vista desktop. To enable non-client area access you should invoke the following code:

bool bDwmMode = g_PaintManager.m_DWM.IsCompositionEnabled() ? true : false;
            if( ! bDwmMode )
                        return . . . // we are not running on Vista or display mode is not 32-bit or DWM glass is disabled in desktop settings
HWND hWnd = . . .
HRESULT hr = g_PaintManager.m_DWM.DwmSetWindowAttribute( hWnd, CExtDWM::__EXT_DWMWA_NCRENDERING_POLICY, &ncrp, sizeof(ncrp) );
BOOL bAllow = TRUE;
            hr = g_PaintManager.m_DWM.DwmSetWindowAttribute( hWnd, CExtDWM::__EXT_DWMWA_ALLOW_NCPAINT, &bAllow, sizeof(bAllow) );
After that, the hWnd window starts receiving the WM_NCPAINT messages and you can paint what you need. Your WM_NCPAINT message handler also should use the g_PaintManager.m_DWM.IsCompositionEnabled() code for detecting Vista glass painting mode.

tera tera Mar 9, 2009 - 2:21 AM


A triangle is not drawn.

Backgrounds are always displayed with white.

Technical Support Mar 9, 2009 - 11:43 AM

Could you send us this test project?

tera tera Mar 9, 2009 - 2:24 AM

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------


 *  @brief   


// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

void CMuResizableDialog::OnSupportVista()


 bool bDwmMode = g_PaintManager.m_DWM.IsCompositionEnabled() ? true : false;

    if( ! bDwmMode ){

  return ;


 HWND hWnd = m_hWnd;






   &ncrp, sizeof(ncrp)


 BOOL bAllow = TRUE;

    hr = g_PaintManager.m_DWM.DwmSetWindowAttribute(


     &bAllow, sizeof(bAllow)




// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------


 *  @brief   


// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

BOOL CMuResizableDialog::OnInitDialog()


    VERIFY( CExtResizableDialog ::OnInitDialog() );






// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------


 *  @brief    


// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

void CMuResizableDialog::OnNcPaint()



    ERPaint ( TRUE );


// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------


 *  @brief   

 *  @param   


// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

void CMuResizableDialog::ERPaint( BOOL blActive )


    if ( m_blERBtnFlag == FALSE )



    CDC    * pCDC;

    pCDC = this->GetWindowDC();

    CBrush brush;

   if ( m_blERHover == TRUE || blActive == FALSE ){

        brush.CreateSolidBrush( GetSysColor( COLOR_BTNFACE ) );

        pCDC->FillRect( &m_ERBtnRect , &brush );



        brush.CreateSolidBrush( GetSysColor( COLOR_BTNFACE ) );

        pCDC->FillRect( &m_ERBtnRect , &brush );



    CPen _pen;

    _pen.CreatePen( PS_SOLID , 1 , GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNHILIGHT) );

    CPen * pOldPen = pCDC->SelectObject( &_pen );

    pCDC->MoveTo( m_ERBtnRect.left , );

    pCDC->LineTo( m_ERBtnRect.right, );

    pCDC->MoveTo( m_ERBtnRect.left , );

    pCDC->LineTo( m_ERBtnRect.left , m_ERBtnRect.bottom );


    _pen.CreatePen( PS_SOLID , 1 , GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNSHADOW ) );

    pCDC->SelectObject( &_pen );

    pCDC->MoveTo( m_ERBtnRect.right    , m_ERBtnRect.bottom  );

    pCDC->LineTo( m_ERBtnRect.right    , - 1 );

    pCDC->MoveTo( m_ERBtnRect.right    , m_ERBtnRect.bottom  );

    pCDC->LineTo( m_ERBtnRect.left - 1 , m_ERBtnRect.bottom  );

    pCDC->SelectObject( pOldPen );



    int      ArrowCnt;

    int      iRec;

    CRgn     RgnArrow;

    POINT    ArrowPnt[100];

    int     iSpace = 2;

    if ( m_blERBtnWayFlag == FALSE ){


        // 縮小矢印

        ArrowCnt = 3;

        ArrowPnt[0].x = iSpace;

        ArrowPnt[0].y = m_BtnSize - iSpace;

        ArrowPnt[1].x = m_BtnSize - iSpace;

        ArrowPnt[1].y = m_BtnSize - iSpace;

        ArrowPnt[2].x = m_BtnSize / 2;

        ArrowPnt[2].y = iSpace;



        // 拡大矢印

        ArrowCnt = 3;

        ArrowPnt[0].x = iSpace;

        ArrowPnt[0].y = iSpace;

        ArrowPnt[1].x = m_BtnSize - iSpace ;

        ArrowPnt[1].y = iSpace;

        ArrowPnt[2].x = m_BtnSize / 2;

        ArrowPnt[2].y = m_BtnSize - iSpace;


    for ( iRec = 0 ; iRec < ArrowCnt ; iRec++){

        ArrowPnt[iRec].x = ArrowPnt[iRec].x + m_ERBtnRect.left;

        ArrowPnt[iRec].y = ArrowPnt[iRec].y +;


    if ( blActive == TRUE ){

        if ( m_blERHover == TRUE ){

            //brush.CreateSolidBrush( GetSysColor(COLOR_INACTIVECAPTION ) );

            brush.CreateSolidBrush( GetSysColor(COLOR_ACTIVECAPTION ) );


            brush.CreateSolidBrush( GetSysColor(COLOR_ACTIVECAPTION ) );



        brush.CreateSolidBrush( GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNSHADOW ) );


    VERIFY ( RgnArrow.CreatePolygonRgn( ArrowPnt , ArrowCnt , ALTERNATE ) );

    pCDC->FillRgn( &RgnArrow , &brush );


    this->ReleaseDC( pCDC );


tera tera Feb 17, 2009 - 1:28 AM


Thank you very much