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tera t
Jan 24, 2008 - 11:11 PM
Technical Support
Jan 26, 2008 - 3:00 PM
First of all, you need your own CExtBarTextFieldButton -derived class which implements the CExtBarTextFieldButton::PaintCompound() virtual method. This method should invoke the parent class method for painting a default combo box like appearance of the toolbar button and then draws a black line of required width over the combo box. Second, you should override the CExtCustomizeSite::OnCreateToolbarButton() virtual method in your CExtRibbonBar -derived class. This method is needed for instantiating your text field button class instead the standard one. Third, you need to implement the CExtCustomizeSite::OnPopupListBoxItemDraw() and CExtCustomizeSite::OnPopupListBoxItemMeasure() virtual methods in the same CExtRibbonBar -derived class for painting combo box items as lines of different width. We think the combo box with lines is some kind of old UI item. We would prefer a drop-down button with a menu instead like implemented in the DRAWCLI sample application.