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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » 2.82: CExtControlBar::g_bCloseOnlyOneBarInTabGroup appears to not do anything. Collapse All
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Kevin Murray Jun 19, 2008 - 5:48 PM

I even tried this in your sample app, MDI_DynamicInnerOuterBars.

In the CMainFrame::OnCreate I set CExtControlBar::g_bCloseOnlyOneBarInTabGroup to true.  If I dock two windows in a tab group, click the close button on one of them, both go away.

Is there something more that has to be done to support this functionality?

Kevin Murray

Technical Support Jun 22, 2008 - 1:12 PM

We confirm this issue. It’s related to CExtDynamicControlBar control bars only. To fix it, please update the source code for the following method:

void CExtDynamicControlBar::NcButtons_PostClick(
      CExtBarNcAreaButton * pNcAreaButton,
      CPoint point,
      CExtControlBar * pBarEventSource,
      CExtControlBar * pBarActiveInContainer
      ASSERT_VALID( this );
#ifdef _DEBUG
      if( pBarEventSource != NULL )
            ASSERT_VALID( pNcAreaButton );
      if( pBarEventSource != NULL )
            ASSERT_VALID( pBarEventSource );
#endif // _DEBUG
      if( (! IsCloseOnlyOneBarInTabGroup() ) && pNcAreaButton->IsKindOf( RUNTIME_CLASS(CExtBarNcAreaButtonClose) ) )
            bool bIsVisible = false;
            CExtDynamicControlBar::eDynamicBarState_t eDBS =
                  BarStateGet( &bIsVisible );
            if(         bIsVisible
                  &&    ( eDBS == CExtDynamicControlBar::__EDBS_DOCKED || eDBS == CExtDynamicControlBar::__EDBS_FLOATING )
                  BarStateSet( eDBS, false );
      CExtControlBar::NcButtons_PostClick( pNcAreaButton, point, pBarEventSource, pBarActiveInContainer );