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Forums » Prof-UIS General Discussion » AGM lead-acid battery maintenance and management Collapse All
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accord21 accord21 Mar 11, 2024 - 10:38 AM

AGM lead-acid batteries are commonly used in UPS(uninterruptible power supply), solar energy storage systems, emergency lights, security and alarm systems, medical equipment, power tools, electric bicycles and other areas that require a reliable power supply.

AGM service life of the lead-acid battery
& have spent Generally, the design life of high-quality AGM lead-acid batteries is between 5 and 7 years. However, the actual life can be affected by a number of factors, such as charge and discharge cycle, depth, frequency, ambient temperature, and how the battery is managed. Using the correct charge and discharge management of the battery, as well as avoiding the use of extreme temperatures, can greatly extend the service life of the AGM battery.

Battery life is also closely related to the way it is used. For example, if an AGM battery is often in a state of charge but rarely undergoes deep discharge, it may have a longer service life. On the contrary, frequent deep discharges and undercharging can shorten battery life.