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Forums » Frame Features Tech Support » How to change TextInMenu dinamically and how to hide Menu commands? Collapse All
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Jonatan Cortes Jan 30, 2007 - 3:16 AM

I’m evaluating FrameFeatures so to change the look&feel of and old VB6 product. It is required to update the menu commands TextInMenu dinamically due to different languages supported. I’ve tried to assign TextInMenu on Form_Load(), and It works well, with no error. Even the command inspector shows the updated text. However, the interface never noticed that change. How can achieve that?

Also, how can hide certain menu commands at runtime? I’ve downloaded the sample above (which disable menu command at runtime), but VlVisibleControl property doesn’t do what I want. Any help?

Very thanks,

Technical Support Jan 30, 2007 - 12:07 PM

The command objects are the invisible part of UI in the Frame Features. The tool button objects are visible UI items (menu items are also tool buttons). Each command object can be visually represented by zero, one or more tool buttons. Currently only the command objects have events. So your code can know about hiding the tool button only if it hides it programmatically. To hide a particular tool button object (a button in a toolbar or an item in a menu), you should remove it from its collection of buttons. I.e. you can get the parent button, then get the parent button’s child collection object and remove the button from it by name or by index.