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Vrinda Savargaonkar
Apr 18, 2007 - 8:01 AM
Dear Sir/Madam
I am using CExtGridWnd class. Using this class i derive a class .I then inserted some column . In one of the column i am inserting some names using
CExtGridCellString * pCellString0 =STATIC_DOWNCAST(CExtGridCellString, GridCellGet( 0, iLoop )); pCellString0->TextSet( _T(szFullName) );
I am using style .BseModifyStyle( __EGWS_BSE_SORT_COLUMNS,0,FALSE);
After inserting data when i click on column header having text data not sorted properly i.e. not in alphabetical order either ascending or descending. When arrow on column header shown upword the sorting order is like this Ganesh Rai Hitesh Kiran Ramesh Vasant arm enov
etc... Why not names like , arm then enov & then Ganesh like this are sorted when ascending order or when arrow upword.
where is problem. Please suggest quickly some solution . Thanks.
Krustys Donuts
Jul 8, 2007 - 8:59 PM
Sometimes, we need to make a CExtGridWnd gray to show that it cann’t be selected or manipulated. I have changed the style of the grids in the window to __EGCS_READ_ONLY,but it doesn’t work.
Technical Support
Jul 9, 2007 - 9:20 AM
__EGCS_READ_ONLY is a cell style. You can disable the whole grid window using this:
wndGrid.EnableWindow( FALSE );
Technical Support
Apr 18, 2007 - 9:25 AM
This forum is dedicated to Elegant Grid component written in C# for .NET. Your question relates to Prof-UIS written in C++. Here is a sequence of character codes that grows: 0...9...A...Z...a...z
The CExtGridWnd class compares grid cells while sorting using CExtGridCell::Compare() virtual method invocations. All the string cells compare themselves with others using the case sensitive string comparison. If you need the case insensitive comparison, then you should implement and use a custom CExtGridCellString -derived class which should have the Compare() virtual method.