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Forums » Elegant Grid Tech Support » Get cell value on button click Collapse All
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David Ferreira May 1, 2007 - 2:36 PM

Follow-up to my previous question:

I have a button sitting in an empty column in a grouped grid. I do not want to display the GUID’s since they are meaningless to the end user, so the button is all by itself in the grid, and the GUID column is hidden. When the user selects the button, I can determine which row was selected through the row index property, but with grouping active I can’t equate that to a row in the data table.

At the moment, I do not see any way in any exposed object or collection to determine an adjacent cell’s value. I am looking for something like the row/column selection you can do in a data table (myDataTable.Rows[0][3].ToString() or something similar). Failing that, I would like to find a way to get at the actual row index that equates to the data source. Either method works for me, but at the moment I can’t see any way to do either.

-Dave Ferreira

Technical Support May 3, 2007 - 6:39 AM

Please try BoundGridControl.GetDataSourceItemByRowIndex(), which returns the data row instance by row index. If you mean something else, let us know.