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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » Docking Prof-uis based applications in Windows 7. Collapse All
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Bogdan Munteanu Sep 10, 2011 - 1:45 PM


Consider the ProfStudio example provided with your package. In Windows 7, whenever I dock the ProfStudio application to one of the vertical sides of the screen, everything goes well. However, if I change the current GUI scheme to one handled by ProfUIS (i.e., one of the Office schemes), the app changes its look-and-feel as expected, but is repositioned randomly on the screen. I would expect the position of the main frame in the new look-and-feel to be close if not identical to the previous one: this is the case anyway to any other application including those based on ProfUIS when the system-managed schemes are being used. Can you help please and address this issue?

Thank you,


Technical Support Sep 13, 2011 - 1:00 PM

The only way to avoid this is not to switch UI theme in left/right docked state. Microsoft does not provide any APIs to detect left/right docked states. These states are not recognizable via Win32 APIs. And we don’t know any other APIs.

Bogdan Munteanu Sep 14, 2011 - 9:52 AM

Thank you for looking into this and for the explanation: based on your response, I have been able to solve it slightly differently on the application side.

Technical Support Sep 12, 2011 - 1:36 PM

We checked this issue. We cannot confirm it. We checked Windows 7 with Aero-glass, XP-like themed and 2000 like classic desktop settings. We checked Prof-UIS UI themes with/without non-client area theming. We redocked main frame window using mouse and/or Win+Left, Win+Right, Win+Up, Win+Down key combinations. Everything works OK. Please provide us with additional details about how to reproduce this issue.

Bogdan Munteanu Sep 12, 2011 - 4:28 PM

Thank you for your quick reply.

I downloaded the sample (the 64 bit version) and extracted ProfStudio-su.exe.

These are the steps:

Start ProfStudio-su.exe.
Press Win+Right.
The application docks correctly to the right side of the desktop.
Changed the theme to Office 2007 (Release 1): the application changes its look-and-feel correctly but is no longer docked on the right side of the desktop

The same thing happens on Windows 7 with Aero, Windows 7 classic, both Home Premium and Ultimate edition. I tried on two different systems with one and two monitors respectively and the same undocking happens.

Could you please try the steps above and confirm/reject the fact that the app doesn’t remain docked after changing the theme?

