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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » AdoRecordsetView and Stored procedures Collapse All
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Mantra Jan 25, 2011 - 3:20 AM

ist there a way to chache all Data from a rowset when using Sample App AdoRecordsetView ?

On normal selects there’s no problem, but with SP’s there will be only the header loaded.

When looping truth the recordset, there are records present, so it’s not a rowset problem.

Thanks !


Mantra Feb 1, 2011 - 6:56 AM

I don’t need to send you a testproject ..

this message is coming from your ADO example.

I’ll send you regrading this post a SP and a small DB where you can check this issue. 

Thanks !

Technical Support Feb 1, 2011 - 9:55 AM

Still didn’t receive any e-mail from you.

Technical Support Jan 25, 2011 - 12:25 PM

There is no difference between SELECTs and SPs. Please check your SP using Query Analyzer. It must return a recordset you expect to see.

Mantra Jan 28, 2011 - 3:02 AM

If I loop thrue the records and load them manualy (see code below) it works. 

So there is a recordset. If I use the sample app, i get this message :

The opened ADO recordset object has changed the requested record scrolling type to **adOpenForwardOnly**

(this may caused by limited cursor library implementation of currently used OLE-DB provider)

On the example app i use the following Connectionstr: 

Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=False;Initial Catalog=ALKIDEV;Data Source=BTTSRVDB02

If I change adOpenForwardOnly or any other settings I never get a result back in ADOrecordsetView !

Query is as SP: 

exec spQueryVertreterBeleg @VertreterID = 0, @vonDatum = ’20100101’, @bisDatum = ’20101231’

Manuell loop and load to the grid (its a wrapper class I wrote) :

_variant_t var;

CString strMsg;


long Index = m_objAdoRS->GetFields()->Count;long RecCount = 0;// loop thru the recordset





var = m_objAdoRS->GetFields()->Item[x]->Value;


while (! m_objAdoRS->GetADOEOF())for (long x = 0; x < Index; x++)switch (var.vt) //m_objAdoRS->GetFields()->Item[x]->Type)




case VT_EMPTY:case VT_NULL: // empty




InsertItem(RecCount, _T(


if (x == 0)"NULL"));else


SetItemText(RecCount, x, _T(









SetItemNumber(RecCount, x, var.fltVal);







SetItemNumber(RecCount, x, var.dblVal);








SetItemNumberLong(RecCount, x, var.iVal);







SetItemNumberLong(RecCount, x, var.intVal);







SetItemNumberLong(RecCount, x, var.lVal);







SetItemNumberLong(RecCount, x, var.ulVal);









SetItemNumber(RecCount, x, var.dblVal);










SetItemNumber(RecCount, x, var.dblVal);




"NULL"));break;case VT_R4:if (x == 0)break;case VT_R8:if (x == 0)break;case VT_I2:case VT_UI1:if (x == 0)break;case VT_INT:if (x == 0)break;case VT_I4:if (x == 0)break;case VT_UI4:if (x == 0)break;case VT_DECIMAL:if (x == 0)break;case VT_CY:if (x == 0)break;case VT_BOOL: // boolean



strMsg = _T(


if (var.boolVal)"TRUE");else

strMsg = _T(



InsertItem(RecCount, strMsg);


"FALSE");if (x == 0)else


SetItemText(RecCount, x, strMsg);





break;case VT_ERROR: // Error


strMsg = _T(



InsertItem(RecCount, strMsg);


"ERROR");if (x == 0)else


SetItemText(RecCount, x, strMsg);





break;case VT_DATE: // datetime


COleDateTime dt(;





SetDateTimeCtrlDate(RecCount, x, dt);

if (x == 0)// index = 0 -> Insert Item!




break;case VT_BSTR: // bytestrings WCHAR and other strings


strMsg = var.bstrVal;



InsertItem(RecCount, (LPCTSTR) strMsg);


if (x == 0)else


SetItemText(RecCount, x, (LPCTSTR) strMsg);
















Technical Support Jan 28, 2011 - 7:21 AM

Could you create a simple test project reproducing this problem and send it to us?