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Forums » Prof-UIS General Discussion » Regarding Dialog application Collapse All
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Trupti Kasvala Feb 10, 2009 - 7:07 AM

Hello sir

Thank you for replying.

But still some problem related to it.

1.In statusbar border doesn’t come at the place of gripper when dialog has style “Dialog Frame”.

2.For issue with re-painting background windows under Prof-UIS menus.If menu as much long that it comes in client area when it is expanded.Then each time we track through menu it calls OnDraw() of view class.


3.In my application Customize dialog is of like MFC.But in Professional UIS sample look of customiza dialog is very nice.So how to convert my customize dialog like your sample application.

4.In My dialog application I am setting color of control  in OnCtlColor() function then but If I convert It into Professional UIS dialog then OnCtlColor() no more able to change color.

5.I have MessageBox(“Prof-UIS”).What to do for skin change inthis case?

6.I am not able to set color in group box with base class CExtGroupBox.I want to set color in rectangle inside Groupbox with CDC::FillRect().


I don’t want to use SetBkColor() specified for that class.


7.2007 themes fails to call OnNcHitTest() of dialog calss.


8.If I disable edit & button than it’s look isn’t proper in disable mode.


9.Edit control created dynamically remain as it is in MFC when created dynamically.

10.If I Create Check box button dynamically then only button comes.There is no no check box appear.

11.ScrollBar created with CExtScrollWnd fails to change skin in some themes it is as like as MFC skin.

Waiting for your early reply.




Trupti Kasvala Feb 11, 2009 - 6:00 AM

Hello sir,

Thank you very much for replying.

1.Regarding look of customize dialog.You have already implemented in sample application.Please send us way to convert it like prof-UIS sample customiza dialog.I am using propertysheet at so many places in my application .All the dialogs and MDI application are skinned only propertysheet is simple.

I want to use tabbed propertysheet only.

2.I want to set color in rectangle inside CExtGroupbox with CDC::FillRect().or in other way I am not able to SetPixel inside groupbox.

3.In CExtSliderWnd Default method OnCustomDraw isn’t called when we move slider button.I have written code in this.Please send us proper way to to call default method OnCustomDraw().

3.I want change background colour of CExtLabel.

5.Resizable diaog doesn’t resize upto title bar.This is default in MFC application.

6.I have MDI application with 2007 theme loaded initially.In this I am displaying dialog.

Problem is given in step

  1. I run my MDI application.

  2. Display dialog with domodal() or modeless

  3. Move dialog with mouse then application hangs.

This problem occurs in 2007 themes only.

7.In ScrollBar I am setting min-Max range 2147483647 to -2147483647 & page to 0 & pos to 0 in OnInitDialog().Then scroll bar hangs.

8.If I use Prof-UISMsgBox(“test”); then there is error of undeclared identifier.

9.I have control with CExtCheckBox wndCheck;

wndCheck.Create(“Prof-UIS”, WS_CHILD|WS_VISIBLE|WS_TABSTOP|BS_CHECKBOX,CRect(20,40,140,60),this)

Then there is problem of check /Uncheck If click over check box.This problem occurs in Luna blue 2007 theme.Sometimes check box disappears in 2007 themes.

10.We are using CExtEdit which has no proper look in disabled mode.

11.In Prof-UIS controls default message functions are not called.Please send us list & proper solution to use in place of it.

12.I have CListCtrl with horizontal scrollbar.In this scroll bar isn’t skinned.

Waiting for your early reply




Technical Support Feb 10, 2009 - 12:07 PM

1)Dialogs with the Dialog Frame border type are not resizable. There are no reasons to show resizing gripper. Please use the Resizing border type in your dialogs if you want to see gripper in the status bar.

2)The CExtPopupMenuWnd windows are based on the window class registered with the CS_SAVEBITS style. It makes Windows to saving and restoring desktop surface under CExtPopupMenuWnd windows. But the CS_SAVEBITS window class style does not guarantee the window surface will be 100% saved and background windows will not be repainted. Please read the following:

3)The current version of customize dialog is designed as tool part of application and uses default Windows style like customize dialogs in the MS Office and Visual Studio applications. We can assume this item as feature request.

4)The backgrounds of the most controls in Prof-UIS does not have single solid color. For instance, the Office 2007 themes are using gradients, the ProfSkin themes using bitmap based backgrounds. The WM_CTL_COLOR*** messages are obsolete for the most of Prof-UIS controls. Please let us know what and where should have colorized backgrounds and we will try to find appropriate solution(s) for you. Please also take a look at the TabbedBars sample application. It demonstrates how to paint complex background inherited between windows.

5)You can use the ProfUIS_MsgBox() function. You can insert the IMPLEMENT_CWinAPP_DoMessageBox; line of code into the CWinApp-derived class in your project and all the message boxes displayed via the AfxMessageBox() API invocation will become skinned. The IMPLEMENT_CWinAPP_DoMessageBox; line of code is present in the CWinApp-derived classes in the most of sample applications provided with Prof-UIS.

6)The CExtGroupBox::SetFrameColor() method allows you to specify the frame color. But it’s not used by all the types of group boxes. The CExtGroupBox control has configurable frame types. The frame type can be set using the CExtGroupBox::SetStyle() method. The CExtGroupBox::STYLE_SYSTEM is selected by default and frame is painted by the currently applied paint manager. If you apply the CExtGroupBox::STYLE_ROUNDED, CExtGroupBox::STYLE_FLAT or CExtGroupBox::STYLE_CAPTION styles, then the frame will be painted by the CExtGroupBox control and you will see it colored.

7)Please handle the WM_NCHITTEST message in the overridden CWnd::WindowProc() virtual method. This method is implemented in the CExtNCW template class which eats the WM_NCHITTEST message when the currently applied paint manager support skinning of the window non client area.

8)We need to know details. Which edit? Which button? Which Prof-UIS theme is applied?

9)We need to know details. Which edit? How it’s created?

10)Please use the CExtCheckBox class if you want to see the check box button common control looking like skinned check box with check mark rectangle and text near it.

11)The themed scroll bars are supported by the Office 2007 themes and ProfSkin themes. All the older themes use classic looking scroll bars based on the currently installed desktop theme of Windows Vista, Windows XP or older Windows version.

Trupti Kasvala Feb 12, 2009 - 1:26 AM

Hello sir,


Thank you very much for replying.


1.Regarding look of customize dialog.You have already implemented in sample application.Please send us way to convert it like prof-UIS sample customiza dialog.I am using propertysheet at so many places in my application .All the dialogs and MDI application are skinned only propertysheet is simple.


I want to use tabbed propertysheet only.


2.I want to set color in rectangle inside CExtGroupbox with CDC::FillRect().or in other way I am not able to SetPixel inside groupbox.


3.In CExtSliderWnd Default method OnCustomDraw isn’t called when we move slider button.I have written code in this.Please send us proper way to to call default method OnCustomDraw().


3.I want change background colour of CExtLabel.


5.Resizable diaog doesn’t resize upto title bar.This is default in MFC application.


6.I have MDI application with 2007 theme loaded initially.In this I am displaying dialog.


Problem is given in step


  1. I run my MDI application.

  2. Display dialog with domodal() or modeless

  3. Move dialog with mouse then application hangs.


This problem occurs in 2007 themes only.


7.In ScrollBar I am setting min-Max range 2147483647 to -2147483647 & page to 0 & pos to 0 in OnInitDialog().Then scroll bar hangs.


8.If I use Prof-UISMsgBox(“test”); then there is error of undeclared identifier.


9.I have control with CExtCheckBox wndCheck;


wndCheck.Create(“Prof-UIS”, WS_CHILD|WS_VISIBLE|WS_TABSTOP|BS_CHECKBOX,CRect(20,40,140,60),this)


Then there is problem of check /Uncheck If click over check box.This problem occurs in Luna blue 2007 theme.Sometimes check box disappears in 2007 themes.


10.We are using CExtEdit which has no proper look in disabled mode.


11.In Prof-UIS controls default message functions are not called.Please send us list & proper solution to use in place of it.


12.I have CListCtrl with horizontal scrollbar.In this scroll bar isn’t skinned.


Waiting for your early reply





Technical Support Feb 19, 2009 - 4:05 AM

We have CExtResizablePropertySheet and CExtResizablePropertyPage classes. But they are designed for wizard like property sheets only. We will assume you made a feature request for supporting tabbed mode in resizable property sheet.

As for group box, please read item 6 in the following message:

The CExtSliderWnd slider control handles the NM_CUSTOMDRAW in the CExtSliderWnd::OnCustomdraw() which is bound using reflection message map entry: ON_NOTIFY_REFLECT(NM_CUSTOMDRAW, OnCustomdraw). You should use your own CExtSliderWnd-derived class and add similar reflection message hander method.

You can use the CExtLabel::SetBkColor() and CExtLabel::SetTextColor() methods to change label colors. The COLORREF(-1L) color value can be used to make the label control using default colors of the currently installed Prof-UIS theme.

You wrote: Resizable dialog doesn’t resize upto title bar . Please provide us with more details and screen shots. How to reproduce this problem with any of our MDI sample applications?

Please use the -INT_MAX/2 . . . +INT_MAX/2 scrolling ranges.

You wrote: If I use Prof-UISMsgBox(“test”); then there is error of undeclared identifier. The ProfUISMsgBox() functions are declared in the .../Prof-UIS/Include/ExtControlsCommon.h file which is present in Prof-UIS 2.84:

int __PROF_UIS_API ProfUISMsgBox(
            HWND hWndParent,
            UINT nMessageResourceID,
            UINT nCaptionResourceID = 0,
            UINT nMsgBoxStyle = __EXT_MB_DEFAULT_STYLES,
            UINT nHelpID = 0,
            UINT nMsgBoxStyleEx = __EXT_MB_EX_DEFAULT_STYLES,
            UINT nTimeoutSeconds = 0,
            bool bIsDisabledTimeout = false,
            CExtBitmap * pBmpIcon = NULL
int __PROF_UIS_API ProfUISMsgBox(
            HWND hWndParent,
            __EXT_MFC_SAFE_LPCTSTR strMessageText, 
            __EXT_MFC_SAFE_LPCTSTR strCaption = NULL,
            UINT nMsgBoxStyle = __EXT_MB_DEFAULT_STYLES,
            UINT nHelpID = 0,
            UINT nMsgBoxStyleEx = __EXT_MB_EX_DEFAULT_STYLES,
            UINT nTimeoutSeconds = 0,
            bool bIsDisabledTimeout = false,
            CExtBitmap * pBmpIcon = NULL

Please ensure you are using Prof-UIS 2.84.

We have changed look of several common controls including CExtEdit, CExtComboBox, CExtIPAddressCtrl. Now these controls have similar backgrounds and thin borders in all the paint managers. We can provide you with the source code update.

How to reproduce the check box theme in the ProfUIS_Controls sample application? Which kind of check box are you using? 2-state or 3-state?

You wrote: Prof-UIS controls default message functions are not called. What is default message functions?

Please use the CExtNCSB < CExtListCtrl > template based type instead of the CListCtrl class type. The scroll bars of the list control will be skinned by the CExtNCSB template class. The CExtListCtrl class provides the themed header control for the list view common control in report/table mode.