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Forums » Elegant Ribbon Tech Support » Need assistance with ProgressBar Collapse All
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Roland v.’t Kruys Apr 15, 2014 - 10:37 AM


Can you help me out with the following? I want to use the ProgressBar with the .step and .performstep() properties. But your progressbar component doesn’t have these. How can I enable or modify the progressbar to make it work, with the source code below?

Private Sub CopyWithProgress(ByVal ParamArray filenames As String())
’ Display the ProgressBar control.
pBar1.Visible = True
’ Set Minimum to 1 to represent the first file being copied.
pBar1.Minimum = 1
’ Set Maximum to the total number of files to copy.
pBar1.Maximum = filenames.Length
’ Set the initial value of the ProgressBar.
pBar1.Value = 1
’ Set the Step property to a value of 1 to represent each file being copied.
pBar1.Step = 1

’ Loop through all files to copy.
Dim x As Integer
for x = 1 To filenames.Length - 1
’ Copy the file and increment the ProgressBar if successful.
If CopyFile(filenames(x - 1)) = True Then
’ Perform the increment on the ProgressBar.
End If
Next x
End Sub

With kind regards,

Roland v.’t Kruys Sep 8, 2015 - 7:09 AM


I know it has been a while, but I was .... no, hoping if you have the update ready for the: Elegant Ribbon (.NET)? I will assume to will be the 4.4 version.

With kind regards,

Roland v.’t Kruys May 11, 2017 - 2:40 AM

ok, long absence :) due to moving to another country and employer. And now I am starting to develop again and I thought about you guys.

What is the latest on version 4.4 and the ProgressBar issue?

Roland v.’t Kruys Jun 19, 2015 - 4:14 AM



It has been a long time. And I am very curious on how you are doing with the new update? I am still dealing with that issue regarding the ProgressBar.

With kind regards,


Roland v.’t Kruys Apr 8, 2015 - 3:26 AM


Any news on the update?

With kind regards,


Art Wilkes Feb 6, 2015 - 9:42 AM

We are scheduling an update for the Elegant line in Late February or Early March.
Your Progress bar update should be in the new update..
Sales at Prof-UIS

Roland v.’t Kruys Feb 6, 2015 - 4:53 AM


It has been a while and I was wondering when the update becomes available? Any news?

With kind regards,


Roland v.’t Kruys Jul 15, 2014 - 4:53 AM


Can you please provide me with any feedback or progression on the ProgressBar component?

With kind regards,

Art Wilkes May 28, 2014 - 8:57 AM

We are reviewing you request. I’m sure we will put it in the next release.
We are still analyzing the products to see what we need to do.
Prof-UIS Support Team

Art Wilkes May 9, 2014 - 10:25 AM

Please tell him to use pBar1.Value++ to increment current value or pBar1.Value=x to move progress bar position to x (x must be between minim and maxim of progress) instead of pBar.SetBar(x)

Roland v.’t Kruys May 28, 2014 - 3:51 AM


Any progress on the matter?

PS: I have purchased the product.

With kind regards,

Art Wilkes May 9, 2014 - 10:22 AM

Please tell him to use pBar1.Value++ to increment current value or pBar1.Value=x to move progress bar position to x (x must be between minim and maxim of progress) instead of pBar.SetBar(x).

Roland v.’t Kruys May 10, 2014 - 5:27 AM


Your suggested approach did not solve the issue. Maybe you like to reproduce the issue yourself? Know this, I am extremely satisfied with your product. But I like to see this feature being active in my next version. The old version has a working ProgressBar and Label.

Find below the source code used in the application having the Elegant Ribbon product installed.

Components used:
- Button "btnUnpack" > on Ribbon (For starting the unpack process)
- Button "btnOpenFILE" > on form (For browsing for the zipped file)
- RadioButton "rbPrepFILE"
- TextBox "tbST" (For having the serial number)
- TextBox "tbFILE" (For displaying the complete path and filename)
- Background Worker "bwFILE"
- OpenFileDialog "ofdLogFile"
- StatusBar (within here using: Label "tsslInfo" & ProgressBar "pbFILE")

I am using Ionic.Zip for unpacking the files. Now bear in mind, the initial unpacking with the Background Worker in my MDI application is working fine. Faster than I ever hoped, compared to my previous SDI application. The only issue is, displaying the current progress using the Label "tsslInfo" & ProgressBar "pbFILE": both components are not showing anything. The pbFILE.Step and pbFILE.PerformStep() is working for the original Microsoft ProgressBar component.


Private Sub btnOpenFILE_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnOpenFILE.Click
Select Case True
Case rbPrepFILE.Checked
ofdLogFile.Filter = "FILE files (*.zip)|*.zip"
Case rbPrepTTY.Checked
ofdLogFile.Filter = "TTY files (*.log)|*.log|TTY files (*.txt)|*.txt"
Case rbPrepRAID.Checked
ofdLogFile.Filter = "Controller_x (*.log)|*.log|Controller_x (*.txt)|*.txt|TTY files (*.log)|*.log"
End Select

ofdLogFile.Title = "Please select a FILE or TTY Log..."
ofdLogFile.FileName = ""

If frmOptions.tbFILELocation.TextLength > 0 Then
ofdLogFile.InitialDirectory = frmOptions.tbFILELocation.Text
ofdLogFile.InitialDirectory = "C:\"
End If

ApplicationCommands.cmdUnpack.Enabled = True

Select Case True
Case ApplicationCommands.cmdPrepare.Enabled
ApplicationCommands.cmdPrepare.Enabled = False
Case ApplicationCommands.cmdReview.Enabled
ApplicationCommands.cmdReview.Enabled = False
End Select
End Sub                                
Private Sub btnUnpack_Executed(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As CommandExecutedEventArgs)
Select Case True
Case rbPrepFILE.Checked
Dim destFolder As String = "C:\DIRECTORY\Logs\"
frmMain.tsslPhoneRegion.Text = ""

If tbST.Text = "" Then
frmMain.tsslInfo.Text = "Please enter the Serial Number..."
If tbFILE.Text.Length > 0 Then
ApplicationCommands.cmdUnpack.Enabled = True
frmMain.pbFILE.Visible = True
frmMain.tsslInfo.Text = "Unpacking FILE.ZIP..."
ApplicationCommands.cmdUnpack.Enabled = False
frmMain.tsslInfo.Text = "FILE.ZIP missing..."
End If
End If
Case rbPrepTTY.Checked ’ this needs to be checked, something is not right here... possibly wrong place
Dim TTY As String
TTY = ofdLogFile.FileName

frmMain.tsslPhoneRegion.Text = ""

If tbST.Text = "" Then
frmMain.tsslInfo.Text = "Please enter the Serial Number..."
My.Computer.FileSystem.CopyFile(TTY, "C:\DIRECTORY\Logs\" & tbST.Text & "\raid.log", FileIO.UIOption.OnlyErrorDialogs, FileIO.UICancelOption.DoNothing)
End If

fileReader = My.Computer.FileSystem.ReadAllText("C:\DIRECTORY\Logs\" & tbST.Text & "\raid.log")
End Select

’Entry = Date.Now & " | " & username & " | " & tbST.Text & " | FILE unpacked..." & linea1
End Sub

Private Sub bwFILE_DoWork(sender As Object, e As DoWorkEventArgs) Handles bwFILE.DoWork
Select Case True
Case rbPrepFILE.Checked
Dim extractPath As String = "C:\DIRECTORY\" & tbST.Text
Dim zipPath As String = tbFILE.Text

Using zip As New ZipFile(zipPath)
frmMain.pbFILE.Minimum = 1
frmMain.pbFILE.Maximum = zip.Entries.Count
frmMain.pbFILE.Value = 1
>> frmMain.pbFILE.Step = 1 << this is not applicable in the Elegant ProgressBar component

Dim x As ZipEntry

For Each x In zip
If (x.UsesEncryption) Then
x.Password = "P@ssw0rd"
x.Extract(extractPath, ExtractExistingFileAction.OverwriteSilently)
x.Extract(extractPath, ExtractExistingFileAction.OverwriteSilently)
End If
>> frmMain.pbFILE.PerformStep() << this is not applicable in the Elegant ProgressBar component

’ {0} = pbFILE.Value
’ {1} = pbFILE.Maximum
’ {2} = (CDbl(pbFILE.Value) / (0.01 * pbFILE.Maximum))
’ {3} = zipPath
’ {4} = extractPath

If tbFILE.TextLength > 40 Then
>> frmMain.tsslInfo.Text = String.Format("Copying FILE.ZIP to {4} - {2:N0}% complete", frmMain.pbFILE.Value, frmMain.pbFILE.Maximum, (CDbl(frmMain.pbFILE.Value) / (0.01 * frmMain.pbFILE.Maximum)), zipPath, extractPath) << Does not show any information
>> frmMain.tsslInfo.Text = String.Format("Copying {1} items from {3} to {4} - {2:N0}% complete", frmMain.pbFILE.Value, frmMain.pbFILE.Maximum, (CDbl(frmMain.pbFILE.Value) / (0.01 * frmMain.pbFILE.Maximum)), zipPath, extractPath) << Does not show any information
End If
End Using

Entry = Date.Now & " | " & username & " | " & tbST.Text & " | FILE.ZIP unpacked" & linea1

If My.Computer.FileSystem.FileExists(extractPath & ".zip") Then
My.Computer.FileSystem.DeleteFile(extractPath & ".zip")
My.Computer.FileSystem.CopyFile(zipPath, extractPath & ".zip")
My.Computer.FileSystem.CopyFile(zipPath, extractPath & ".zip")
End If

Entry = Date.Now & " | " & username & " | " & tbST.Text & " | FILE.ZIP copied to " & tbST.Text & ".ZIP" & linea1
End Select
End Sub

Private Sub bwFILE_ProgressChanged(sender As Object, e As ProgressChangedEventArgs) Handles bwFILE.ProgressChanged
frmMain.pbFILE.Value = e.ProgressPercentage
End Sub

Private Sub bwFILE_RunWorkerCompleted(sender As Object, e As RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs) Handles bwFILE.RunWorkerCompleted
frmMain.tsslInfo.Text = "FILE Report unpacked..."

If My.Computer.FileSystem.FileExists("C:\DIRECTORY\" & tbST.Text & "\report.hta") Then
LinkLabel2.Visible = True
LinkLabel2.Text = "FILE Report"
LinkLabel5.Visible = True
LinkLabel5.Text = "DCV - FILE Upload"
LinkLabel2.Visible = False
End If

ApplicationCommands.cmdPrepare.Enabled = True
End Sub

With kind regards,

Roland v.’t Kruys Apr 16, 2014 - 10:46 AM

Thank you for the fast response. But the SetBar(x) is not existing within ELegant Ribbon. At least I can’t find it. But ok, here is the thing.

Scenario: MDI Parent - 2x MDI Childs (for now)
Within the MDI Child, a process will be executed for unpacking .zip files. A ProgressBar and Label component on the MDI Parent will be used to update the user with the current process.

MDI Parent - frmMain: one button (located in Ribbon Bar) for starting the process, Label (tsslInfo) and ProgressBar (pbFILE) located in the StatusBar
MDI Child - frmLog: source code (as shown below), TextBox component, Button component (for browsing to the file), OpenFileDialog component and BackGroundWorker component

    Dim extractPath As String = "C:\REPOSITORY\FILE\" & tbST.Text
    Dim zipPath As String = tbFILE.Text

    Using zip As New ZipFile(zipPath)
        frmMain.pbFILE.Minimum = 1
        frmMain.pbFILE.Maximum = zip.Entries.Count
        frmMain.pbFILE.Value = 1
        ’frmMain.pbFILE.Step = 1 >> research on this to activate it again

        Dim x As ZipEntry

        For Each x In zip
            If (x.UsesEncryption) Then
                x.Password = "secret"
                x.Extract(extractPath, ExtractExistingFileAction.OverwriteSilently)
                x.Extract(extractPath, ExtractExistingFileAction.OverwriteSilently)
            End If
            ’frmMain.pbFILE.PerformStep() >> research on this to activate it again

            ’ {0} = frmMain.pbFILE.Value
            ’ {1} = frmMain.pbFILE.Maximum
            ’ {2} = (CDbl(frmMain.pbFILE.Value) / (0.01 * frmMain.pbFILE.Maximum))
            ’ {3} = zipPath
            ’ {4} = extractPath

            If tbFILE.Text.Length > 40 Then
                frmMain.tsslInfo.Text = String.Format("Copying FILE.ZIP to {4} - {2:N0}% complete", frmMain.pbFILE.Value, frmMain.pbFILE.Maximum, (CDbl(frmMain.pbFILE.Value) / (0.01 * frmMain.pbFILE.Maximum)), zipPath, extractPath)
                frmMain.tsslInfo.Text = String.Format("Copying {1} items from {3} to {4} - {2:N0}% complete", frmMain.pbFILE.Value, frmMain.pbFILE.Maximum, (CDbl(frmMain.pbFILE.Value) / (0.01 * frmMain.pbFILE.Maximum)), zipPath, extractPath)
            End If
    End Using
I am sorry, if I was not clear in what I try to do or achieve. But the process worked for me in my old project.

Art Wilkes Apr 16, 2014 - 9:35 AM

What we would suggest is to change the code to perform your own step function
something like:
I’m not sure what the Setbar function is in the code you are using.

Roland v.’t Kruys Dec 10, 2018 - 12:20 PM


Ok, the issue (or puzzle, if you may call it) is still remaining. The goal is, I think, simple: how to display the unpacked files with the progress bar, using Ionic.Zip?

With kind regards,

Roland v.’t Kruys May 9, 2014 - 5:52 AM


After reproducing the issue, I am not able to have the progressbar working. the "pBar.SetBar(x)" options is not in use in my application, nor did it work for me. The event is not known.

Please advise.

With kind regards,

PS: I am still waiting for your response, which I have send by email.