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Forums » Prof-UIS General Discussion » ToolTip Error In TabbedBars ( Ver. 2.81) Collapse All
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Seung Cheol Lee Oct 29, 2007 - 4:46 AM


I have used the TabbedBars ( CExtTabbedToolControlBarXXX ),
I have setted tooltip in the toolbar and the tabbedbars.

In pro-uis ver. 2.80, the tooltip have did well.
But In pro-uis ver. 2.81, the error was occured.
For error example, After changing the tab of tabbedbar, the tooltip was not operated.

I have tested in your "TabbedBars Sample Source".
The same error was occured.

Technical Support Oct 29, 2007 - 10:44 AM

Thank you for reporting this issue. To fix it, please update the source code for the CExtToolControlBar::OnTimer() method in the ../Prof-UIS/Src/ExtToolControlBar.cpp file

void CExtToolControlBar::OnTimer(__EXT_MFC_UINT_PTR nIDEvent) 
      switch( nIDEvent )
                  bool bStateClear = false;
                  INT nIndex, nCount = GetButtonsCount();
                  for( nIndex = 0; nIndex < nCount; nIndex ++ )
                        CExtBarButton * pTBB = GetButton( nIndex );
                        ASSERT_VALID( pTBB );
                        if(         ( ! pTBB->IsVisible() )
                              ||    ( pTBB->GetStyle() & TBBS_HIDDEN ) != 0
                        bool bHover = pTBB->IsHover();
                        if( bHover && m_nBtnIdxHover != nIndex )
                              pTBB->SetHover( false );
                              _InvalidateButton( nIndex );
                              bStateClear = true;
                  if( bStateClear )
                        KillTimer( __EXT_MFC_ID_TOOLBAR_HOVER_PROTECTION_TIMER );
                  bool bActiveHover =
                        (     ( m_nBtnIdxHover >= 0 )
                        ||    CExtPopupMenuWnd::TestHoverEnabledFromActiveHWND( m_hWnd )
                        ) ? true : false;
                  if(         bActiveHover
                        &&    m_pDockSite->GetSafeHwnd() != NULL
                        &&    ( ! m_pDockSite->IsWindowEnabled() )
                        bActiveHover = false;
                  if( ! bActiveHover )
                        _UpdateHoverButton( CPoint(32767,32767), false );
                        KillTimer( __EXT_MFC_ID_TOOLBAR_HOVER_PROTECTION_TIMER );
                        CExtPopupMenuTipWnd * pATTW =
                        if( pATTW != NULL )
                        if( m_nBtnIdxHover >= 0 )
                              CPoint pt;
                              if( ::GetCursorPos( &pt ) )
                                    ScreenToClient( &pt );
                                    INT nHT = HitTest( pt );
                                    if( nHT != m_nBtnIdxHover )
                                          KillTimer( __EXT_MFC_ID_TOOLBAR_HOVER_PROTECTION_TIMER );
                                          _UpdateHoverButton( pt, false );
            return; // case __EXT_MFC_ID_TOOLBAR_HOVER_PROTECTION_TIMER
      } // switch( nIDEvent )