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Forums » Prof-UIS General Discussion » SDIDOCVIEW ASSERTS every time when dragging docking window Collapse All
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Jonas G Jul 22, 2003 - 3:24 AM

Just drag one of the docking windows outside the main windows left border.

ASSERT( rcFrameWnd.left <= rcCircle0.left ); in CExtControlBar.InternalDraggingState_t.CalcStateDynamic is triggered everytime when doing so.


    nDockSide    4    int
+    rcCircle0    {top=82 bottom=675 left=4 right=956}    CRect
+    vDockBars0    0x0012f8b8    CExtDockBar * [4]
+    rcTestCircle0    {top=-858993460 bottom=-858993460 left=-858993460 right=-858993460}    CRect
    bCanDockToInnerCircles    true    bool
+    this    0x0063d684 class CExtControlBar::InternalDraggingState_t CExtControlBar::g_DragStateNew    CExtControlBar::InternalDraggingState_t * const
+    ptTrack    {x=313 y=302}    CPoint
    bForceFloatMode    false    bool
    bShowContent    false    bool
    nSrcMinVH    23    int
    nDstMinHW    8    int
+    _dwDockBarMap    0x0058c4e0 _dwDockBarMap    const unsigned long [4][2]
+    rcFrameWnd    {top=135 bottom=832 left=160 right=1120}    CRect
    nSrcMinHW    10    int
    bForceFloat    false    bool
    nDstMinVH    8    int
+    rcBarWnd    {top=-858993460 bottom=-858993460 left=-858993460 right=-858993460}    CRect
+    pFrame    0x00378348 {CMainFrame hWnd=0x0007064a}    CFrameWnd *

Sergiy Lavrynenko Jul 23, 2003 - 6:42 AM


I confirm this bug. But this is not a bug, this is just an unwanted assertion. Please comment four lines in the ExtControlBar.cpp file (12119-12122):

ASSERT( rcFrameWnd.left <= rcCircle0.left );
ASSERT( <= );
ASSERT( rcFrameWnd.right >= rcCircle0.right );
ASSERT( rcFrameWnd.bottom >= rcCircle0.bottom );

These assertions were used to debug the dragging algorithm for resizable bars.