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Forums » Prof-UIS General Discussion » ID_FILE_MRU_FILE1 Collapse All
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Olaf Baeyens Jan 22, 2003 - 6:50 AM

I am using the CExtMenuControlBar m_wndMenuBar;
And I have defined these functions to react on the commands.


The problems is that always OnFileMruFile1() is called, even if I press the other commands.

Any idea’s?

Ik have the commersial version of Prof-UIS v2.20

Sergiy Lavrynenko Jan 23, 2003 - 2:43 AM

Dear Olaf,

I can not confirm this bug. I have sent you a letter with two demo projects demonstrating how to handle MRU file commands.

Best regards,
Sergiy Lavrynenko.

Olaf Baeyens Jan 24, 2003 - 7:18 AM

The example works, just the big question now is how to extract the filename???

We have sometimes big filenames and file paths, but when I use this command:

    CExtCmdManager::cmd_t * p_cmd =    g_CmdManager->CmdGetPtr(g_CmdManager->ProfileNameFromWnd(this->m_hWnd),nID);
    if( p_cmd == NULL ) {
    p_cmd->m_sMenuText    }

Then I only get something that has ’...’ in it like this: "d:\Source\...\scenes\Scene.ctv"    

I need the complete filename in order to open it.
I do love the GUI! :-)


Sergiy Lavrynenko Jan 24, 2003 - 8:49 AM

Dear Olaf,

To get full file path you can use:

1) GetFullPathName() function from the Win32 API (see information in MSDN help for details);

2) AfxFullPath() function - this is an MFC internal function, to use it you should include:

#if _MFC_VER < 0x700
#include <../src/AfxImpl.h>
#ifndef __AFXSTATE_H__
#include <../src/mfc/afxstat_.h>
#include <../src/mfc/AfxImpl.h>

That’s all about fullpath extraction.

Best regards,
Sergiy Lavrynenko.

Olaf Baeyens Jan 27, 2003 - 1:50 AM

Thank you for your response but I think we have a small misunderstanding. What I try to do is in this function below. When I click on the recent used file list menu.

I still get the "\...\" in my path and I believe that the only way to solve this is to add an additional attribute to your CExtCmdManager like p_cmd->m_sFullRecentFileName that keeps the complete filename and path ready to be used for file managment.

Or exists there another possibility?

void CMainFrame::OnFileMruFile1(UINT nID)
    int num = nID - ID_FILE_MRU_FILE1;
    ASSERT( 0 <= num && num <= 5 );

    string sFileName="";

    CExtCmdManager::cmd_t * p_cmd =    g_CmdManager->CmdGetPtr(g_CmdManager->ProfileNameFromWnd(this->m_hWnd),nID);
    if( p_cmd != NULL ) {
        sFileName=p_cmd->m_sMenuText;                // Get menu text     : "&4 D:\Source\...\Debug\start.stl"
        sFileName=ExtractString(sFileName,’ ’,1);    // Extract file name : "D:\Source\...\Debug\start.stl"
        TCHAR szTemp[_MAX_PATH];    
        AfxFullPath(szTemp, sFileName.c_str());        // "D:\Source\...\Debug\start.stl" Make full path??? "D:\Source\test\ctVol\Debug\start.stl"
    CString sMsg;
    sMsg.Format(_T("CMainFrame::OnFileMRU(ID_FILE_MRU_FILE%d) = %s"),num + 1,sFileName.c_str());
    ::AfxMessageBox( sMsg );


Sergiy Lavrynenko Jan 30, 2003 - 6:06 AM

Dear Olaf,

Sorry for my misunderstanding, I thought about relative paths when you told me about short names in menu with dots in the middle. Of course this is not the same. I am really sorry.
The information about recently opened documents is storted in the CWinApp::m_pRecentFileList property.
Here is described a simple way for accessing this data. Please define this class somewhere in your code:

class InternalFriendlyWinApp : CWinApp
inline static InternalFriendlyWinApp * _GetFriendlyApp()
CWinApp * pApp = ::AfxGetApp();
ASSERT( pApp != NULL );
return (InternalFriendlyWinApp *)pApp;
CRecentFileList * _GetRecentFileList()
//ASSERT( m_pRecentFileList != NULL );
return m_pRecentFileList;
}; // class InternalFriendlyWinApp

InternalFriendlyWinApp is required to access CWinApp::m_pRecentFileList property.
This is a common trick for accessing protected members of base classes.
Now you can use this trick to enumerate recently opened files.

CRecentFileList * pRecentFileList =
if( pRecentFileList != NULL )
int nRecentCount =
for( int nItemIndex = 0; nItemIndex < nRecentCount; nItemIndex++ )

// now you can use pRecentFileList->GetDisplayName(...)
// see MSDN on CRecentFileList::GetDisplayName for details

} // for( int nItemIndex = 0; nItemIndex < nRecentCount; nItemIndex++ )
} // if( pRecentFileList != NULL )

I dont see any reason to duplicate the CRecentFileList data inside the Prof-UIS CExtCmdManager.
Please note: recent-list-item with index 0 is used for handling command with id=ID_FILE_MRU_FILE1, recent-list-item with index 1 is used for handling command with id=ID_FILE_MRU_FILE2, and so on...

Best regards,
Sergiy Lavrynenko.

Olaf Baeyens Jan 30, 2003 - 7:51 AM

This is exactly what I was searching for. :-)
Something for the FAQ.