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Forums » Elegant Ribbon Tech Support » VS2010 IDE Error Collapse All
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Christopher Tomlin Jul 18, 2012 - 8:19 AM

I have a project using Elegant Ribbon 4.2 building in c# 2010 Express (.NET 4 Full profile). Periodically, when I open the form containing my ribbon in the IDE for editing, I get an error message during backstage view initialisation. The error report states that:

> The control Elegant.Ui.BackstageViewNavigationBar has thrown an unhandled exception in the designed and has been disabled.

> Exception:
> ’child’ is not a child control of this parent.

> Stack trace:

There is no stack trace displayed in the dialog. If I click ’OK’, and then open the Backstage View, I can see part of the navigation bar, but all of the rest of the backstage view contains the stack trace, as shown here:!105&authkey=!AKem4nZpmIP6nHo

Can someone please explain what causes this - it’s driving me MAD!


Nick Harmer