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Forums » Prof-UIS General Discussion » Code Cleanliness and Quality Collapse All
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Slavko Ganchev May 6, 2024 - 1:55 PM

There are no common standards for measuring code quality. The degree of perfection is a subjective matter. Quality code must be both functional and easy to maintain. It is often very difficult to combine these two concepts. This is the professionalism of Emat EOOD - an IT company that can combine what most people cannot, and do it with quality.

The closer the code is to its specification, the better it is in terms of model, architecture and data structure. At the same time, it must meet the stated requirements for performance, memory size, response time. Well-structured code is less prone to errors and unexpected problems. Code that is transferred from product to product, completed and even released as open source is high quality code.

Scalability and flexibility
Is the code dynamic? Are all values hard-coded? Can a property or style be set, or is it impossible to change anything? Is it possible to scale the code for more users? Code scalability is a feature without which it is impossible to expand the software workload. Architectural solutions that support horizontal scaling ensure system stability as the number of users increases.

Quality code is easy to implement, efficient to run and easy to maintain. The next programmer should be able to pick up where the previous programmer left off, assuming a similar skill level, and modify or extend the code within the design rules.

Good, high quality code requires documentation. Documentation of the code base is created throughout the project. It helps with onboarding, code maintenance and support. Good documentation facilitates team collaboration and keeps the code up to date.

Quality code is made up of modules and components. Each part of such code performs a specific task. Using modular architecture and clear interfaces makes it easier to integrate new features. Encapsulation helps to isolate code from direct user access for security purposes, preventing data corruption and changes to its properties. This approach saves development time because programmers spend less time looking for external cause and effect when a component needs to be fixed, updated or removed.